Tanzania Mining And Investment Forum Program
Wednesday 25 October 2023
Day 1
Thursday 26 October 2023
Day 2
08:00 09:00
Registration & Welcome Coffee
Sponsored by Buckreef Gold Company
09:00 11:00
Official Opening of Forum Day
Official Opening Ceremony
11:30 12:15
Networking Coffee Break & Exhibition Official Opening
12:30 13:30
Session 1: Opportunities for Mining Investments in Tanzania and Africa: Timelines, Projects and Next Steps
- The latest opportunities in Tanzania and Africa’s mining sector: Timelines, projects, next steps
- Global and Regional Forecasts on Mining and Metal developments
- Managing the risk of capital intensive projects and creating efficiencies across the value chain
- Private and private sector collaboration in Tanzania’s mining sector
- Cross border and intergovernmental cooperation in the mining sector: How countries can work together to advance the sector
- Creating sustainable jobs and adding value to national populations in the mining sector
- Current Government strategies to attract investment to Africa’s mining projects
- Striking a balance between sustainability and profitability: What measures are in place in the mining sector?
Dr. Emmanuel M. Mali
Democracy and Good Governance Programme, International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR)
13:30 14:30
Networking Lunch
Sponsored by Barrick
14:30 15:15
Session 2: Mining Technology, Innovation, Smart Mining and Mineral Exploration: Perspectives on the Sector’s Future
- Latest developments and technological advances in the mining industry and the impact on Tanzania’s projects
- What are the new technical advances making the projects more effective and reducing the costs?
- Trends in land mining activities in autonomy tools, innovation and robotics tools: the sea mining lessons and links
- Autopilot Mining Shuttles as a key innovation: The role of robotics in the industry’s future
- Innovation and Blockchain improving mining operations across the continent
- Transportation innovations and technologies in the mining sector
- Mining latest technologies development: Updates from leading companies
- The importance of using cutting edge techniques to increase project efficiencies
- The development of technological clusters: ensuring a long lasting legacy
- The future of cloud computing in mining
- Technological advances in mineral prospecting and Exploration
- How can innovation help bringing costs down, create efficienices and making projects more competitive?
15:15 15:45
Session 3: Sustainable Mining & Best Practices Driving the Sector Forward
- How does finance play a pivotal role in the development of a sustainable mining sector?
- ESG considerations into current and future mining developments in Tanzania
- Environmental considerations in the mining sector: Ensuring a greener mining economy and ecosystem
- Mineral trading best practices: creating a sustainable framework in the global mining sector
- What are companies implementing to ensure the ESGs are upheld within their operations
- Working with the Government of Tanzanian and across the continent to achieve low-carbon ambitions: The role of mining companies
15:45 16:15
Networking Coffee Break
16:15 17:00
Session 4: Financing, Investments and Regulations in Tanzania and East Africa’s Mining Sector
- What are the latest innovative financial mechanisms to ensure access to credit?
- How can incentives be introduced to drive future mining infrastructure development?
- Regulations in the mining sector: Adhering to global best practices in the industry
- Financing a greener mining sector: How sustainability is critical for the industry future
- Financing sustainable mining infrastructure: A glimpse at the sector’s future
- Mining and capital realities in Tanzania and the region
- Transporting Tanzania’s and the region’s minerals: Expanding the ports, railways, marine and road infrastructure
17:00 18:30
End of Forum Day One
19:00 11:00
Madini Gala Night & Awards / Usiku Wa Madini
Sponsored by Anglogold Ashanti
08:00 09:00
Welcome Coffee
09:00 10:00
Session 5: Decarbonising the Mining Sector: The Role and Opportunity for Mining Projects Development in Africa
- Clean Technologies, Resources, innovation, Future, Awareness, investment and Finance
- Low carbon solutions in the full mining cycle
- Synergies between the mining sector and hydrogen: case studies from around the world
- Hydrogen as a carbon-free fuel to displace diesel in heavy equipment and transportation
- Generating green electricity from hydrogen to power mining processing plants
- Looking outside critical minerals: e.g. Hydrogen
- Green technologies developments as a pathway to decarbonise the mining sector
- Globaland regional collaboration to decarbonize mining industrial sectors
- Case study: Namibia
10:00 11:00
Session 6: Critical Minerals and Rare Earths Powering Green Energy Transition: Technologies, Batteries and Transportation
- Latest developments in the mining sector in Tanzania and Africa including Critical Minerals for the energy transition
- How the current shift to clean energy is driving a huge increase in mineral development
- Minerals of the Future: Cobalt, Nickel, Copper and Lithium, Uranium
- How can mining be a tool to decarbonise the current energy systems?
- Tanzania Minerals powering Electric Cars, Solar PVs, Wind Turbines
- Formation occurrence potential: Africa offshore metallogenic regions
- Investing in science and marine technologies and the sustainable use of the ocean
- Opportunities to deliver international agendas and the Paris Agreement
- SDGs and Africa 2063: marine and scientific capacities for sustainable development and conservation
- Government regulations and strategies to harness the potential of Rare Earth Minerals
- Ensuring the mineral sector drives the sustainable and socio – economic impact
- Marine Minerals Protection and sustainable use of the Ocean in a Blue Economy
- Case study: Botswana – a leader in mining, financing and creating value to national citizens
11:00 11:30
Networking Coffee Break
11:30 12:30
Session 7: Mineral Refining & Supply Chain Development: Building Manufacturing Capacity, Industrialisation & Added Value in Country
- Developing more efficient and sustainable mining and metals refining
- Creating centres of excellence for mineral processing and refining
- How sustainable mining refineries can be transformational for the industry’s future
- Refining Minerals in country: Adding value and creating job opportunities in Tanzania
- Implementing technology and economic clusters: How to maximise the benefits of the projects in the long term?
- Requirements of environmental constraints including clean emission free energies, reduced use of land, smart operations and avoiding waste
- Metals of the future and roles of deep seabed exploration potential in Tanzania
- The future of deep seabed minerals in a perspective of blue economy promotion
- Opportunities for the end users in the mining sector
- Global Case Study: the UK
12:30 13:30
Networking Lunch
13:30 14:00
Session 8: Compliance Policies in Tanzania’s Mining Sector: Opening Opportunities for All through an Inclusive Sector
Keynote Address:
Hon. Mudrick Ramadhan Soraga, Minister of State President’s Office, Ministry of Labour, Economy and Investment, Zanzibar
- What is the Government and private sector doing to ensure women have the same opportunities to progress and join the mining sector
- Local Content compliance in Tanzania’s Mining sector
- How can Tanzanian companies comply with current legislation
- Gaps identified and hurdles to overcome
- What can be done to make the industry’s environment more friendly to women and accommodate their needs to progress in the career?
- How can female entrepreneurship be promoted and what are the support options?
- The importance of economic empowerment of women in the mining industry: what has been done so far?
14:00 14:30
Session 9: Local Content Facilitating the Transformation of Small and Large Scale Mining in Tanzania and African Continent
- What is the latest progress in National Content initiatives in the mining sector?
- How is National Content adding value to the economy and population?
- What are the current threats and opportunities to deliver a real national content policy in Tanzania
- Exploring Opportunities for small scale mining
- Scaling up Artisanal mining and integrating this sector in the global economy
- Matching the needs of contractors to the current skills on offer: How can a balance be achieved?
14:30 15:00
Session 10: Building Capacity, Nurturing Talent & Developing the Leaders of Tomorrow
- Capacity building: What is the role of international companies in transferring knowledge?
- What requirements do international companies stipulate for local companies to be hired?
- The importance of certification to ensure local companies access the projects
- Collaboration between universities and private sector providing graduates acquire the right skills?
- What are international and local companies doing to deliver a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy in Tanzania?
- Youth Inclusion: STEM As A Catalyst for Change
- Capacity building programmes and mining technology development: Opportunities to promote Tanzania and unlock various mineral potentials available in the country for new investments
- How can the mining projects ensure a sustainable development and inclusion of the communities?
15:00 15:30
15:30 15:30
End of Tanzania Mining & Investment Forum 2023
15:30 16:00